Contraindications | Mayan Healing Health

 Contraindications, Cautions, and Modifications

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are safe and effective with few contraindications.

There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with your practitioner if you have any questions.

  • During active menstruation
  • IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present
  • Immediately after abdominal surgery
  • Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
  • During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
  • Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
  • Active and acute infection
  • Abdominal Aneurysm
  • Diastasis Rectus
  • Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
  • Any serious health condition that causes you concern


The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy ™ have been found through evidence-based experience to provide clients with relief from symptoms of a variety of conditions. Pursuant to that, The Arvigo Institute, LLC makes no claim that all clients of Arvigo Practitioners will experience relief of their symptoms. Therefore the Arvigo Institute and practitioners make no claim of specific results.