Clinical Hypnotherapy | Mayan Healing Health

Clinical Hypnotherapy represents a safe and powerful way to restore a sense of calm and control to the mind and the body.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a trance –like state of mind during which the client experiences deep relaxation, focused attention and greater openness to suggestion. Hypnosis has the ability to increase responsiveness and is frequently used to alter behaviours and reactions that could be contributing to chronic health problems.

The Mind Influences the Body.

The mind has enormous power over the body, which is constantly influenced by our emotions, thoughts and beliefs. Our thoughts and beliefs can affect our bodies even to the point even manifesting them physically.  We are able to change physical symptoms by how we feel. Just think for a minute when you go to the movies how sometimes you can get so caught in the story that the feelings we for the characters are real. Our emotions can affect the delicately balance hormonal system which controls ovulation, spermatogenesis and pregnancy.

Reducing stress is known also to enhance the immune system, restore hormonal balance and create the change needed to have a content peaceful body and mind, a healthy body that will accept and nurture a pregnancy full term.

Hypnosis and Fertility Enhancement……. Increase your chances

Hypnosis can help couples to conceive naturally, and also provides hypnotherapeutic support to women undergoing IVF and other medical procedures. Hypnosis can significantly help you to reduce fears, uncertainty, confusion, depression, anxiety and stress and increase your sense of confidence and well-being. Studies have shown that mind/body programs can effectively double the success rates of conception.

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful and effective processes available for conquering “unexplained infertility” and studies have shown that mind/body programs can effectively double the success rates of conception.

During the sessions, prospective mothers (and/or fathers) learn tools and strategies that help to generate positive changes in the mind and body, which in turn can allow suitable conditions for conception to occur. As everyone is so individual and unique, the number of sessions required may vary anywhere from 3 to 12 sessions.

Men and Fertility Enhancement and Sexual Performance

Releasing stress is a key element for both men and women. Recent studies have revealed that a man’s sperm count can significantly reduce with prolonged stress. Even after unsuccessfully “trying” for 12 months, a man’s sperm count can greatly diminish with the continual disappointments and the growing pressure to perform.

Hypnosis is very effective for managing stressful situations and negative emotions that may occur.

Ease Your Prostrate Worries…Use your mind to help your body

The enlargement of the prostrate can have symptoms that include frequent emptying of the bladder during the day and the night leading to broken sleep. It can also give a sensation that makes you feel that you need to empty the bladder and sometimes when you go to the bathroom  only to find that you pass a very small amount of urine and what is passed can be difficult.

Hypnosis can assist in changing habits and behavioural patterns that could help you to avoid the problems and to assist in the recovery of symptoms.


Being pregnant or you have just given birth can be a time of great uncertainty, thinking and spinning thoughts around in the head about all the “what ifs” … Am I going to cope?….. Something is going to happen to me… I am scared and no one to care for the baby……What happens if I can’t get my baby to feed or sleep…..the list could go on and on. The problem isn’t asking the “what ifs”… the solution is not answering the questions!!

You are now responsible for a brand new baby and everything changes. It can also be a time when you are so tired and your hormones are raging. Add this stress to all the care your baby need now. All you need is some reassurance to ease the anxiety.

Anxiety is the overestimation of danger, threats or fears and underestimating your ability to cope with these threats or fears.  Learning new calming skills and discrimination strategies will put you back into control. Self-hypnosis allows you to rewire your brain so that you can approach life in a calmer manner and also by practising self –hypnosis you’ll be able to redirect your emotional responses so that you’ll experience less stress and anxiety.

Sleep Deprivation     Postpartum

Sometimes motherhood is a little different from what you had in mind. It is not easy caring for your baby and the rest of the family when you are sleep deprived.  It is a fact of life, sleepless babies mean sleepless parents and nothing has prepared you for that. Sleep deprivation is one of the greatest challenges that parents face.  Getting adequate sleep is so important for new Mums since sleep deprivation can lead to postpartum depression.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques can improve sleep by firstly, helping your body to relax and unwind   physically and then secondly learning how to quieten your internal chatter. The key to a good night’s sleep is to be able to switch off your thinking and to let go of physical tension.  Getting these strategies in place well before your baby arrives would be an excellent investment in yourself.

There are some common reasons why a new mum suffers from sleep deprivation. As the mother of a newborn, you may recognize many of these reasons for not getting sufficient sleep.

  • Too Anxious To Sleep – Many new mums suffering with postpartum depression are just too anxious to sleep. Anxiety can inhibit the ability to fall asleep as well as the ability to sleep deeply. It is common for new mothers to wake to any little sound, perhaps worried or anxious they won’t hear their infant’s cry at night. Other mothers who are suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety find it difficult or impossible to relax deeply enough to fall asleep in the first place.
  • Interrupted Sleep – Insomnia could also be sparked by frequent interruptions in a person’s sleep routine. For example, a mother is likely to wake up four or five times throughout the night to feed a newborn baby. If she previously experienced no such disturbance in her sleep patterns, then this type of irregularity could have a serious impact on her body. She may no longer be able to obtain restful sleep or may find it difficult to fall back asleep after tending to the baby. Also, because interruptions of this nature are likely to be recurring, she may even turn those interruptions into a routine which could have a lasting negative effect on her health.
  • Lack of Routine – The lack of a good sleep routine may also be to blame. Not all babies wake up at the same times throughout the night, which can lead to an unpredictable sleep schedule. Suddenly, mum’s body doesn’t know when the next bout of sleep is going to come or how long it will last. This can result in anxiety, restlessness, and exhaustion.


Depression     Hypnosis Treatment….. A Safe Alternative

When dealing with postpartum depression, many women opt to try a safe, natural or holistic approach before resorting to expensive hormone or mood-altering drugs that can have undesirable side effects. Postpartum depression hypnosis treatments are safe, with none of those unwanted side effects.

Signs of Post-Partum Depression-Emotional Changes

One of the most common symptoms of postpartum depression is emotional changes. This includes being irritable or sensitive, having an unusually short temper, and experiencing tearful outbursts that seem unwarranted or out of place.

One of the most common symptoms of postpartum depression is emotional changes. This includes being irritable or sensitive, having an unusually short temper, and experiencing tearful outbursts that seem unwarranted or out of place.

Feelings of sadness are also common, as are feelings of guilt and worthlessness or failure. The emotional impact of postpartum depression can range from mild to extreme in severity and may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms. The emotional changes caused by postpartum depression can snuff out the mother’s desire to carry out everyday tasks and caring for herself or the child may become difficult.

Many women suffering from postpartum depression complain that they feel as though they have not bonded with their child, even though they love their child. They may also suddenly lack the desire to spend time with friends or family and may no longer take pleasure in the activities they once enjoyed.

If there are signs of uncontrollable negative thoughts then it is a very good idea to speak to your GP doctor as soon as possible.

Physical symptoms of postpartum depression

Aches and pains in bones or muscles may seem persistent and for no reason. Recurring headaches, stomach aches, and backaches are other common complaints of those who suffer from postpartum depression. The new mother may feel fatigued or exhausted, even when she has had adequate rest. She may also experience insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or maintain a deep and restful sleep.  By addressing the issues as soon as possible, mothers can regain the joy and happiness to enjoy their life and their new child.

Weight loss

It is a good idea to wait for at least 2-3 months  after the birth for  your body feel stronger  and more recovered, your period has returned to normal  to begin to shed any excess weight  that  has been gained during the pregnancy. Hypnosis can also assist with increasing the metabolism, healthy choice eating, and feeling more motivated to exercise.